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From Data to Decisions: A CMO's Guide to Leveraging Proprietary Insights in Financial Services Thought Leadership

As a CMO or head of content in the financial services sector, you're sitting on a goldmine of data. But are you using it to its full potential?

3 mins
Written by
Alex Segger
Published on
October 3, 2024

In today's competitive landscape, strategic use of proprietary insights can elevate your thought leadership programme and drive significant business impact. Let's explore how you can leverage your data to create compelling thought leadership that resonates with your audience and drives your business forward.

The Strategic Imperative of Data-Driven Thought Leadership

Our recent research reveals a stark truth: 55% of respondents say failing to back up arguments with data discredits thought leadership. In an industry as data-rich as financial services, this presents both a challenge and an opportunity. 

As a leader, this statistic should prompt you to reassess your current thought leadership programme. Are you integrating data effectively? Are your insights truly proprietary, or are you simply rehashing industry trends? It's time to audit your programme and ensure you're leveraging your unique data assets to their full potential.

Building Brand Credibility Through Insights

In the financial services sector, credibility is currency. Our research shows that 93% of respondents say thought leadership is important or very important in shaping their perception of a brand. This statistic underscores the critical role thought leadership plays in your overall brand strategy.

Your challenge as a leader is to align your thought leadership efforts with your brand positioning. How can your unique insights reinforce your brand's expertise and authority? Consider establishing a clear link between your data-driven thought leadership and your brand's core values and positioning.

Balancing Provocation and Evidence: A Leadership Tightrope

Here's where it gets interesting: 78% of respondents want B2B brands to take a disruptive position on the state of the industry. As Benedict Buckland, MD & Chief Strategy Officer at alan. puts it, "B2B audiences want thought leadership that makes them question the status quo."

"B2B audiences want thought leadership that makes them question the status quo."

This presents a delicate balance for financial services leaders. How do you empower your team to be bold and provocative while maintaining the integrity and caution that your industry demands? The key lies in using your proprietary data to support provocative statements. When you have the numbers to back up a controversial stance, you can afford to be bold.

Driving Organisational Change Through Insights

Effective thought leadership isn't just about external communication; it's a powerful tool for driving internal change. As Will Sturgeon, head of content and thought leadership at PwC, notes, "You need to provide the 'so what'." 

As a CMO or content leader, your role is to translate data insights into actionable strategies. Establish processes that allow insights from your thought leadership to feed back into product development, customer service, and overall strategy. This not only enhances the value of your thought leadership programme but also positions you as a strategic leader within your organisation.

Navigating Regulatory and Reputational Risks

In financial services, the stakes are high when it comes to public statements. Tomas Ausra, global institutional marketing manager at IG Group, offers a valuable approach: "We look at these big political shifts and analyse them from our audience's perspective."

Your leadership challenge is to set clear guidelines for addressing sensitive topics in your thought leadership. How can you use data to objectively address complex issues like market volatility, regulatory changes, or global economic shifts? By focusing on data-driven analysis rather than opinion, you can navigate these tricky waters more safely.

Innovating in Content Delivery: Beyond the White Paper

Here's a statistic that should catch your attention: 82% of respondents would like to see more imaginative ways of delivering thought leadership. In an industry often criticised for being staid and traditional, this represents a significant opportunity.

As a leader, it's time to invest in new content formats and technologies. Consider interactive data visualisations, AI-powered predictive models, or even virtual reality experiences that bring financial concepts to life. Conduct an audit of your current content formats and identify areas where you can innovate.

Measuring Impact: KPIs for Data-Driven Thought Leadership

Finally, let's talk about measuring success. Our research shows that good thought leadership provokes positive actions: 57% of readers share it with colleagues, 53% request meetings with the producing brand, and 48% change their opinion about the brand positively.

Your task is to develop a framework for measuring the ROI of your thought leadership programme. Establish a dashboard of key metrics that go beyond simple engagement stats. Look at metrics like changes in brand perception, increases in RFP invitations, and improvements in sales conversation quality.

Some Final Thoughts

As a CMO or head of content in financial services, you have a unique opportunity to leverage your proprietary data for thought leadership that truly stands out. By focusing on data-driven insights, balancing provocation with evidence, and innovating in your content delivery, you can create a thought leadership programme that not only builds your brand but drives real business results.

It's time to reassess your thought leadership strategy. Are you making the most of your data? Are you truly challenging your audience's thinking? And most importantly, is your thought leadership driving the business outcomes you need? The answers to these questions could be the key to unlocking your next level of success.

Download the full report here.

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